Thursday, December 24, 2009

Do you see any beauty at all the way,the stars and the universe is just there,...?

stars live and die,so do even black holes,they might not be alive but they still live and die. The beauty in how, the environment the ocean water for example supports all that life,the way storms form,...Do find it can be beautiful in itself, without a higher intelligence? The moment, I attach that all with a possibility that a supreme being made it all,it turns ugly,well I guess,the being would be what would be ugly,because, it probably is nonexistent,then.Why not leave it all be, why would I pretend a jealous God with all that beauty?Do you see any beauty at all the way,the stars and the universe is just there,...?
The features of the world such as `a sun-set, fall in Vermont, the human body, the Rocky Mountains, the singing of birds and so on. . . all exhibit real, objective beauty' which cannot be accounted for in terms of survival value, natural selection, and the like. Since science does not deal with value qualities (aesthetic or moral) in its descriptions of the world, then beauty as an aesthetic property is not a part of evolutionary theory. A theistic world-view, on the other hand, provides a natural environment for the existence, appreciation and rational understanding of aesthetic reality.

Every day I see things that should not really exist, even after millions of years of 鈥榗hance mutations鈥?evolving. They are so extravagant, so unnecessary complex, so energy-inefficient, so wasteful, so non-random, so wonderful! Forgive me, but the question, of course, is not 鈥榟ow?鈥?but 鈥榳hy?鈥?Do you see any beauty at all the way,the stars and the universe is just there,...?
You missed the point of it all.
That's why i'm Wiccan... I worship the ocean and the trees and what it makes as a whole, not an imaganitive being. I worship mother earth.

Blessed Be!


it is my opinion that you perceive god to be something or someone evil.

i do not understand why you hold this opinion, but to see the world around you, know it was created and find it repulsive indicates to me you are not thinking coherently.

many years ago, i saw tess of the d'?????, a play/movie by roman polanski i think it was. the photography in the film was incredible and i remember wondering how a guy that raped a child could make a movie with such flair.

i came to realization that the one who makes things and what we know about that person are vastly different. i'm not comparing god to the movie maker. i'm saying that wisdom tells me that when we see things made by others, we have to take it on base values that something is beautiful or it is not.

my concern for you, my friend is that your eye may be either evil, or no longer sees truth. if your eye is evil the darkness in you will be great, greater than any truth you read here will be to release you from it. if your eye no longer sees truth, it will not be long before you are blind and not able to see at all.

re-read your question and consider carefully your words. for you have written them and i can only respond in kind to what you have written.

i am your friend
I understand where you're coming from, but for me it's vice versa. When I take a look at nature I find it more beautiful knowing there is a higher intelligence that created it. It nearly ruins it for me to imagine that it all just appeared from a burst of matter. Like you said, then it makes it all... ugly.
It is beautiful and that is why some of us use it as wallpaper.

The stars have amazing different colors, also the nebular clouds.

When we look up we are seeing light from countless times -- all in the present moment.

Time merges with space in the light that comes to our eyes.

We behold galaxies as well as stars. Some of them the abode of billions of other beings, some on spheres of mortal nativity, some on spheres more glorious.

I think of the angels high and low who fly about linking one place to anothers, and of the Infinite Holy Spirit, overseeing the ministry of mind, and linking all space and all beings to God the Father at the center of all actualized realities.

I marvel at how all is changing slowly and will be brought to perfection.

Thy kingdom come, they will be done, on earth as in the heavens.

We are not alone, we are not forgotten. We are part of a stupendously great project.

I marvel at the unspeakable power implicit in all those things which a scientific person can see and understand. Knowing I see only a small portion of it, and gaining a better insight of infinite power.

And I look forward to traveling through all these marvelous heavenly lights during the journey which succeeds my life here on earth.

Like gentle winds

warming buds of fall

our pathways shine

with fragrant blossoms,

perchance to share,

forever new,

joyous, distant

starry clusters.

Our chances depend on our choices.

Even here one can occasionally experience grandeur.

And those who seek and find can experience linkage with spirit and angel.

In the vast and great family of God the Father of All.

It all depends on which apples one gathers from the orchard.
Have you ever looked at the pictoral beauty of the Horsehead Nebula (not to mention what you CAN see with the eye)? The natural twin colours of Alberio? The smoky Ring Nebula?

That's beauty, nawt god.
Cause without HIM

there would be none of it
there is no scientific proof that black holes exist. yet atheists believe in them.
We can only see with one sense. So our perceptions are confined to those few things. If we can appreciate this beauty with our limits, I am sure that we can appreciate beauty on every level, should we ever discover it. I think a belief in God encompasses the hope for that. We all know, instinctively, that there is more. Even poets personify the elements, and in that we find concordance. Religion simply makes this more profound, for someone who is free may not appreciate the beauty as much as one who is a prisoner, even if it is of their own making.

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