Sunday, December 20, 2009

God created our minds and sense of beauty for Stars, sunsets, why did he create unattrative people?

Please be honest. Don't just say that beauty is inside, I know it is, but im talking about outer appearance.

We are all attracted to ''Geometrical Beauty''. We can't not scape it. When we witness a sunset our mind is stimulated by the colors, shadows and the sense of beauty.

When you are at the store on in school and you see an attractive boy or girl, you mind is attracted to their face.

So why did God create unattractive people?God created our minds and sense of beauty for Stars, sunsets, why did he create unattrative people?
He didn't create ugly people at all. In Gods eyes they are beautiful in their appearance. It is just the people in the world that are cruel and mean, they always have to look at peoples appearance instead of their hearts. God don't make ugly, it is in our minds. People caterorgorize them being as ugly. I have to admit when I was in the sinning I did the same thing. Now I know better then just to look at someones appearance. God made them just the way they are. In todays society people always have to compare their looks and not their hearts. If they say he or she is ugly they automatically look down on them because of their way of thinking. I think when people do this, yourmissing out on some good friends.God created our minds and sense of beauty for Stars, sunsets, why did he create unattrative people?
Why do you blame God for creating unattractive people? It's the way human genes work. Two unattractive people will most probably have an unattractive child. This is unless the child inherits a far off gene from an ancestor who wasn't ugly.

Take me for instance. I'm ugly. But neither of my parents were ugly and my sisters are beautiful. Most likely one of my parents had a direct relative who ugly and I inherited his or her looks. Not God's fault. Just science set in motion.
Maybe to test our reactions to the less than perfect challenged.
Every one has off days!
Sloppy craftsmanship.
if all was beautiful all would be common and none would be of awe.
Oh gosh, idunno.

Maybe he made them so that dickheads who think physical attractiveness is really important to them would reveal themselves to decent folk so that we can avoid you.

he left that job to satan...
Beauty only exists because we have a frame of reference to place it in. Without ugliness, beauty would be meaningless, and vice versa. Beauty and ugliness are also totally subjective. Besides, I don't know that we can really compare a sky full of stars, or a gorgeous sunset to what we think of the bus driver's face. And as for why unnattractive people exist, I think it's nature's way of diversifying. Think about it; many of the most ';beautiful'; people come from a variety of ethic backgrounds. Given enough time, an isolated population will eventually become inbred, often resulting in perceived ugliness. The purpose of which is to cause the population to spread out in search of more attractive mates. This backfires when ugly people simply mate with other ugly people. And what does that leave us with? You guessed it, ugly babies.
Only the very shallow see beauty as how someone looks. Beauty and or ugliness comes from within.

The Ol' Hippie Jesus Freak

Grace and Peace

Correction... ';geometric beauty'; is not just aesthetic. We are also cognitively stimulated by unaesthetic beauty. We just call it ';ugly'; instead of ';beautiful.'; Just as you refer to unattractive people, there are unattractive natural phenomena... earthquakes for example, or tsunami's. Actually, these natural phenomena are of great beauty, except they are so deadly... which in our minds causes us to label it as ';ugly.';

However, the real truth about nature is that it is neither ';beautiful'; nor ';ugly.'; It just is. It is the human need for ';ownership,'; for ';concreteness,'; to somehow avoid ambiguity, that causes us to label things as having meaningful characteristics. Therefore, your mindset that there *are* unattractive people speaks of limited cognitive reasoning methinks.
To him they are all beautiful. I know what you mean though. Different people are attracted to different types. I don't quite understand it. However, I see it all of the time.
Ask the mother of the person whom you consider ugly !!!! God is the creator so for Him everyone beautiful. If you think that a person is unattractive thats your perception.
Some people might consider me unattractive, but my bf is very attracted to me and thinks I am beautiful.

I think Johnny Depp is dorky looking, but others think he is the best looking man on the planet.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this is just the plain truth.
Evolution is so crazy! It throws up all sorts of mutations, but never fear, with natural selection, all the ugly people will become extinct, if you stop having sex with them. However, one man (or woman)s beer is another man (or woman)s poison, so what you might find butt ugly, I might find totally rootable. And I'm all for sex - two thumbs up!
What you find unattractive the next person may find attractive.

Isn't it wonderful that we all have different tastes? According to you, only the people you find attractive should be the only ones who have relationships and marry.

What if someone you found attractive didn't find you attractive--what a mess that would be.

Hail the beautiful people!

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