Thursday, December 24, 2009

Has anyone heard of Intuit Beauty? I am thinking about selling it. P.S. Alot of Stars use it!?

Yes it is a great product I've been using it since Sept 2007. Company has great reputation so far. They treat their girls great and so much room to grow with this skin care business. It's the hottest new skin care and will definetly be hearing more about. Stars are becoming familiar with it. It's so fun too! They have already teamed up with Nordstroms.

PattyHas anyone heard of Intuit Beauty? I am thinking about selling it. P.S. Alot of Stars use it!?
No. LOL The stars don't use it. They only SAY they use it and ONLY if they get paid to say that. People are so gullible. LOL

Sounds like another multi-level to me. I stay as far away from those things as I can.Has anyone heard of Intuit Beauty? I am thinking about selling it. P.S. Alot of Stars use it!?
more details would be good!
Yes!! It's a wonderful skin care line and I'm using it. My skin has never felt or looked better.

You can go to the web site to see who in Hollywood is using Enormous Lash. I am NOT a consultant, I only use the products!!

Looks like they will be teaming up with Nordstrom to sell the lash conditioner as well.

Link below...
Nope never heard of it.

This 6?1? beauty came from the beautiful country of Denmark. She starred with one of her previous husbands in?

brigitte nielsen and sylvester stallone in Rocky IV and CobraThis 6?1? beauty came from the beautiful country of Denmark. She starred with one of her previous husbands in?
Brigitte Nielson :)This 6?1? beauty came from the beautiful country of Denmark. She starred with one of her previous husbands in?

Do you see any beauty at all the way,the stars and the universe is just there,...?

stars live and die,so do even black holes,they might not be alive but they still live and die. The beauty in how, the environment the ocean water for example supports all that life,the way storms form,...Do find it can be beautiful in itself, without a higher intelligence? The moment, I attach that all with a possibility that a supreme being made it all,it turns ugly,well I guess,the being would be what would be ugly,because, it probably is nonexistent,then.Why not leave it all be, why would I pretend a jealous God with all that beauty?Do you see any beauty at all the way,the stars and the universe is just there,...?
The features of the world such as `a sun-set, fall in Vermont, the human body, the Rocky Mountains, the singing of birds and so on. . . all exhibit real, objective beauty' which cannot be accounted for in terms of survival value, natural selection, and the like. Since science does not deal with value qualities (aesthetic or moral) in its descriptions of the world, then beauty as an aesthetic property is not a part of evolutionary theory. A theistic world-view, on the other hand, provides a natural environment for the existence, appreciation and rational understanding of aesthetic reality.

Every day I see things that should not really exist, even after millions of years of 鈥榗hance mutations鈥?evolving. They are so extravagant, so unnecessary complex, so energy-inefficient, so wasteful, so non-random, so wonderful! Forgive me, but the question, of course, is not 鈥榟ow?鈥?but 鈥榳hy?鈥?Do you see any beauty at all the way,the stars and the universe is just there,...?
You missed the point of it all.
That's why i'm Wiccan... I worship the ocean and the trees and what it makes as a whole, not an imaganitive being. I worship mother earth.

Blessed Be!


it is my opinion that you perceive god to be something or someone evil.

i do not understand why you hold this opinion, but to see the world around you, know it was created and find it repulsive indicates to me you are not thinking coherently.

many years ago, i saw tess of the d'?????, a play/movie by roman polanski i think it was. the photography in the film was incredible and i remember wondering how a guy that raped a child could make a movie with such flair.

i came to realization that the one who makes things and what we know about that person are vastly different. i'm not comparing god to the movie maker. i'm saying that wisdom tells me that when we see things made by others, we have to take it on base values that something is beautiful or it is not.

my concern for you, my friend is that your eye may be either evil, or no longer sees truth. if your eye is evil the darkness in you will be great, greater than any truth you read here will be to release you from it. if your eye no longer sees truth, it will not be long before you are blind and not able to see at all.

re-read your question and consider carefully your words. for you have written them and i can only respond in kind to what you have written.

i am your friend
I understand where you're coming from, but for me it's vice versa. When I take a look at nature I find it more beautiful knowing there is a higher intelligence that created it. It nearly ruins it for me to imagine that it all just appeared from a burst of matter. Like you said, then it makes it all... ugly.
It is beautiful and that is why some of us use it as wallpaper.

The stars have amazing different colors, also the nebular clouds.

When we look up we are seeing light from countless times -- all in the present moment.

Time merges with space in the light that comes to our eyes.

We behold galaxies as well as stars. Some of them the abode of billions of other beings, some on spheres of mortal nativity, some on spheres more glorious.

I think of the angels high and low who fly about linking one place to anothers, and of the Infinite Holy Spirit, overseeing the ministry of mind, and linking all space and all beings to God the Father at the center of all actualized realities.

I marvel at how all is changing slowly and will be brought to perfection.

Thy kingdom come, they will be done, on earth as in the heavens.

We are not alone, we are not forgotten. We are part of a stupendously great project.

I marvel at the unspeakable power implicit in all those things which a scientific person can see and understand. Knowing I see only a small portion of it, and gaining a better insight of infinite power.

And I look forward to traveling through all these marvelous heavenly lights during the journey which succeeds my life here on earth.

Like gentle winds

warming buds of fall

our pathways shine

with fragrant blossoms,

perchance to share,

forever new,

joyous, distant

starry clusters.

Our chances depend on our choices.

Even here one can occasionally experience grandeur.

And those who seek and find can experience linkage with spirit and angel.

In the vast and great family of God the Father of All.

It all depends on which apples one gathers from the orchard.
Have you ever looked at the pictoral beauty of the Horsehead Nebula (not to mention what you CAN see with the eye)? The natural twin colours of Alberio? The smoky Ring Nebula?

That's beauty, nawt god.
Cause without HIM

there would be none of it
there is no scientific proof that black holes exist. yet atheists believe in them.
We can only see with one sense. So our perceptions are confined to those few things. If we can appreciate this beauty with our limits, I am sure that we can appreciate beauty on every level, should we ever discover it. I think a belief in God encompasses the hope for that. We all know, instinctively, that there is more. Even poets personify the elements, and in that we find concordance. Religion simply makes this more profound, for someone who is free may not appreciate the beauty as much as one who is a prisoner, even if it is of their own making.

Beauty Pop Manga! 10 POINTS AND 5 STARS!?

heey everyone! Another one of my manga questions :) lol. Please can anyone give me more manga idea's like Kiyoko Arai's Beauty Pop. One with the similar storyline (doen't have to be exact, or about hair ... i guess) and a similar kind of romance thanks!Beauty Pop Manga! 10 POINTS AND 5 STARS!?

Ouran High School Host Club

Special A

The Wallflower

I love Beauty Pop. Its a cute shojo manga. There should be a mini series for it, but guess not.

Are Holly wood stars Saigon's of Sateen in the New testament.? Beauty and the Best Gaston>>>>?

To the best of my knowledge, NO.
  • hp ink
  • When you gaze upon the stars do you see sheer beauty?

    Every weekend or so , i bring my deckchair outside , and sit up and watch the stars right before i go to bed , luckily ive been blessed with a amazing area to view them from where there's no street lights.

    But i sometimes wonder whether my imagination has some how been altered by film and television , i mean its not a very original thought thinking one day man will live in space , a lot of people have that sort of thought/dream if you will , but with all the destruction and chaos in the world , wouldn't it be truly remarkable just for a minute to imagine living in space , i mean all those amazing beautiful fantastic sites , its enough to put anyone's mind at peace , even if it is for a split second.

    Maybe one day , it will happen who knows , but my question to you all is , what's your space dream , when you look up at the nights sky , what do you see for you , what's your dream?When you gaze upon the stars do you see sheer beauty?
    Or not.

    Living is space is comparable to deep-sea exploration. We can do it. We have done it. It's uncomfortable and expensive. NO ONE lives there. The best people can hope for is someday having undersea dwellings reminiscent of that crazy guy in Canada that buried all those school buses and covered them with concrete.

    WHY would anyone do this when there are HUGE TRACTS OF LAND still uninhabited on the Earth? WHY would they live in the hostile environment of LEO?

    If you have THAT much money to throw away, buy some land in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. No one lives there and its very pretty.When you gaze upon the stars do you see sheer beauty?
    I see more than the sheer beauty. I see God and the beauty of the laws

    of physics at many scales of size and time displayed. I'm amazed that I understand a small part of that. God is physics and physics is God. Then I hang out in the middle of M13 for awhile in my imagination. :-D
    How BIG the universe happens to be!

    Here watch this:鈥?/a>
    i get all hot and bothered, usually followed by making mad passionate crazy love with my girlfriend.
    My dream is that one night all electricity in the world will be cut off for an hour or so, so we can see the stars as nature intended.
    Tony,..Tony, romantic you .....i got a tell ya when i look up and see every point of light in that vastness i feel so so small ,.. i,m thinking we as a galaxy ( the milky way is not a big one) with billions of suns/stars , just in this galaxy alone,..and to think of the billions of other galaxies with billions of suns/stars in each of those , the numbers are staggering . Where?, if you could , would you like to travel ?...i mean even if we ever developed the technology to journey out side our galaxy ( and i,m sure we would want to explore some of the billions of planets in our own 1rst.) where would we go?..if we could reach the oldest and furthest galaxies in the universe , say in one year , i,d be so tempted to say '; Hey Tony lets stop here or how about that planet..';like man there are trillions of planets in this universe where do you want to start?...but that would be my space/dream

    oh by the way can we bring cows?
    I have seen the stars from a very dark area away from the city lights. I am astounded by the dazzling array of brilliant stars, more that I could believe existed. The thousands points of light and bold swath of the Milky Way leaves me breathless.

    This is when I can't see my hand in front of my face. I wish everyone could experience this. They would realize what we have lost by flooding our land and sky with light. We will have to wait for a power blackout for this.
    When i look up at the sky [at camp, i live in the city so its very hard to see stars]

    i always think about my puppy that died a couple years ago, not sure why.But it does deeply sadden me, and then i go to sleep.

    EDIT;On earth day [or our city calls it ';Sleep tight, no lights';, its only for like 4 hours tho.]i remember EVERYONE was turning off their lights, the city even turned off the lights too, and their was no light at all!And everyone was gazing at the stars from their roof, with snacks and binoculars.i will always remember that day, and to this day i always wish that would happen all the time.

    Beauty Help!? Please?! Good answers get starred[extra points]!!?

    Ok well tomorrow I'm going to an important party with this really hot guy there... but I'm going to be too busy today to buy any beauty products. Anyone know any quick working facials that WILL work. Any beauty tips or tricks?? Just for my face. Please?!Beauty Help!? Please?! Good answers get starred[extra points]!!?
    If I want my face to look really ';glowing';, I use a buff-puff in the shower as I start to get ready. Then, as soon as I get out, before I even dry off, I immediately put good moisturizer on to lock in the moisture. Not heavy moisturizer, just a kind I know my skin likes.

    If you dont' have a buff-puff, just liquid face soap with enough sugar mixed in to make it the consistency of paste will do the same thing.

    As far as whiteheads/blackheads- nothing is going to get rid of anything by tomorrow night. You'll just make it puffier %26amp; redder, so you probably wouldn't want to do a real ';facial'; anyway. You should always plan those several days in advance of a big event (I did that once %26amp; learned my lesson. I was a red, greasy mess!)

    Hope this helps!Beauty Help!? Please?! Good answers get starred[extra points]!!?
    okay a light like cucumber masque, followed by a light almost no smell lotion (not heavy lotion, those will make your face greesy)

    uhmm, some beauty tips, go light on makeup but still nice, and ..

    eyes: smokey (makes you look mysteriouse and really pretty), and of course mascara,, no eyeliner

    cheeks: depends on your color but you can just do a verry light pink like hardly anything just to make you look a little rosy.

    lips: light pink almost clear look natural

    clothes: uhm go to like pacsun or somplace like that and get a zip up tight sweater that shows your stomach a little like a lil to small for you like sleeves go up to elbows and all, tight jeans, flip flops, sneakers, or uggs.

    hair: loose curls, natural looking, or pinstraight parted to the side.

    good luck i hope i helped
    do an oatmilk facial.. simply mix a paste of full cream milk and regular (not instant) oatmeal.. if you don't have full cream milk and regular oatmeal, any milk and oatmeal will do if you don't have time.. leave on clean face for 20 minutes before washing off..

    you'll love the result.. guaranteed.
    natural yougourt on your face with cucumber

    or a moitouriser with a dailey glow

    glisening lip gloss

    eyes matching what your wearing
    try an egg white peel. take 2 egg whites and beat them a little apply to face till dry then wash off. leaves face beautiful and rosy.

    IS there a movie called'; beauty and the beast'; starring ';Drew Barrymore'; ?

    She did a cover shoot for Vogue that was called Beauty and the Beast.

    Check for her movie listings.IS there a movie called'; beauty and the beast'; starring ';Drew Barrymore'; ?
    no there isnt but i wish there was.she is a good actressIS there a movie called'; beauty and the beast'; starring ';Drew Barrymore'; ?
    no there isn't
    theres a movie called beauty and the best but its disney (cartoon movie) but not drew in it and i think there was also a tv series of it also in the early 90s-80's But drew barrymore wasnt in it.
    not that i know of....she is in that movie ';ever after'; thats supposed to be like cinderella
    not that i've heard of.

    Has anybody ever seen that old tv show ';Beauty and the Beast';, starring Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton?

    i used to watch it it was great i wonder if they do re runsHas anybody ever seen that old tv show ';Beauty and the Beast';, starring Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton?
    B%26amp;B continues to have a very loyal following (I count myself as one of the devotees) and hope one day it will be aired on perhaps Sci-fi channel??? It went into the middle of the third season and I think that qualifies it to be syndicated. Not sure. Report Abuse
    Has anybody ever seen that old tv show ';Beauty and the Beast';, starring Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton?
    Yes, I used to watch it all the time. I was disappointed when it was cancelled. Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman were great in that series. It really made Perlman a big name. Sadly, I haven't seen him too much since then and Hamilton has gone through hard times with a bitter divorce, infidelity (on her husband's part) and bi-polar. I wish they would show the repeats on tv land.
    I used to watch it- until linda left and they added that new reporter- it didn't work then
    I loved that show!! Until they messed up the storyline in the last couple of seasons.
    Linda Hamilton is STILL a goddess. I'll even watch a bad Lifetime movie with her in it.

    Why are the stars breaking my sky? no beauty just pain?

    people love the stars in the sky

    i look up and they explode in my eyes

    i never thought they were that great anywaysWhy are the stars breaking my sky? no beauty just pain?

    i like drugs tooWhy are the stars breaking my sky? no beauty just pain?
    why is this in singles and dating?

    When you look at the stars, skies, oceans and the beauty in this world, couldn't it have only come from...?

    magic warthogs.

    They created a universe filled with beauty; a world of love, stars, planets, mountains, oceans, trees, flowers, grass, fruit, deserts, desserts, rutabaga, teabags, pasta wheels, chihuahuas, Ed McMahon, Estelle Getty, Dura Lube and Miracle Whip. It makes so much sense to me.When you look at the stars, skies, oceans and the beauty in this world, couldn't it have only come from...?
    I see the light.When you look at the stars, skies, oceans and the beauty in this world, couldn't it have only come from...?
    Absolutely not. I've seen a warthog. Surely if magic warthogs existed they would have done something about the plight of their poor ugly non-magic cousins?

    That they didn't proves there are no magic warthogs.
    Um... nope. From God, Almighty, Creator of the Universe.

    Next question?

    Have a blessed day.
    Blasphemer! It was the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  • hp ink
  • I lay in bed looking at the stars i marvel at there beauty i wonder if theres life on other planets out there?

    , i feel at peace calm in all this tranquily of gods universe , it was then the thought crossed my mind were the hell is my roof who else thinks thats funny , i thought id just put that end bit in cos if i didnt yahoo would send me a e mail saying your question has been rejected cos its not a question he heI lay in bed looking at the stars i marvel at there beauty i wonder if theres life on other planets out there?
    Your question, with its comment about the roof, reminded me of what was once billed as ';The Funniest Joke on the Net';:

    The following is judged to be the second funniest joke in the world and has an astronomy overtone:


    Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep.

    Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend. ';Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.';

    ';I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes,'; replies Watson.

    ';And what do you deduce from that?';

    Watson ponders for a minute.

    ';Well, astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe. What does it tell you, Holmes?';

    Holmes is silent for a moment. ';Watson, you idiot!'; he says. ';Someone has stolen our tent!';

    But, apparently, it's only the 2nd funniest joke in the world.

    Is there life on other planets? Sometimes I wonder if there's intelligent life on THIS one. But then I remember the dolphins and the elephants. But seriously, I'd say the odds are astronomically (no pun intended) high that there is.

    And this site agrees with me:

    ';Life in the Galaxy

    If you want instead to ask only about how many planets have life on them, the situation changes drastically. Now we have

    NSL = RSL x LSL = LSL xRstar x Pplanets x Phabitability x Psimple life

    We can use the numbers from before, except that LSL should be a much longer number if life tends to hang onto planets once it starts (which seems to be the case with Earth). Then a reasonable number is LSL= 5 billion years (half the lifetime of the Galaxy), and we find that NSL = LSL = 5 billion! There should be billions of planets in our Galaxy with simple life on them now. If complex life typically lasts 1 billion years (and only appears on 0.1 planets with simple life), the number of planets now populated with interesting complex alien organisms is of the order 100 million. This makes it clear why most astronomers believe the Galaxy is teeming with life (our estimate could be 1000 times too high and that would still be true).I lay in bed looking at the stars i marvel at there beauty i wonder if theres life on other planets out there?
    there is no proof
    I would heartily recommend that you consult the great British philosopher Monty Python:

    ';... and pray that there is intelligent life, somewhere out in space.

    Because there is bugger all down here on earth!';

    PS, yes i know that M.P is comprised of a number of individuals so please dont all jump on me yelling:

    ';Monty Python is a comedy group comprising Graham Chapman, John clease etc etc'; .... i am British, I KNOW
    Yes there is life on other planets. The guy next door to where I work says he's from mars or somewhere and he is here to help mankind
    Other planets in our solar system? Thus far it appears not. Other planets in other solar systems or other planetary systems? It could be perceived as gross human arrogance to believe we are the only other race of higher ';intelligence'; existing in this infinite vastness. Just imagine if ';they';? can hear you!!

    OF course there is no intelligent life anywhere else in the universe...especially NOT Altair IV....We Krel...I mean, we Texans are pretty sure of that....

    Not that Obi wan ever calls, or writes, an e-mail or that too much to ask....but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, he's way too important to remember his high school days....

    but I digress

    NO, there are no other intelligent species in the universe...


    Write in your notebook/ that I love you/ your resplendence is divine/ your beauty intoxicates the stars?

    Thanx. Very sweet of u

    Sticky sweet sentimentality

    Almost morbidWrite in your notebook/ that I love you/ your resplendence is divine/ your beauty intoxicates the stars?
    What for?? Is it some sort of secret code, a message perhaps? To the pigeons? Just kidding about the pigeons.

    Sure, I'll write it down.......What for though? Sticky, popping, cherry alluring, sweet sensation of relaxation.

    Take away all of my frustration and tell this nation that I'm on vacation. Oh, what a sweet sensation. Coated chocolate butter-cups seeping in my mouth, please excuse me while I shout. Sensation, Relation, Relaxation. xoWrite in your notebook/ that I love you/ your resplendence is divine/ your beauty intoxicates the stars?
    thank u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?wait wait wtf??????????
    That i love you
    umm...may i ask why?
    I'll pass thanks.

    Does anyone remember the TV series ';Beauty & The Beast'; starring Linda Hamilton? I am looking for the DVD.

    Does anyone know of a store or internet site where I could purchase it? Thanks.Does anyone remember the TV series ';Beauty %26amp; The Beast'; starring Linda Hamilton? I am looking for the DVD.
    You can buy the complete set on ';';

    The series ran for three seasons from1987-1990. All 56 episodes are on a 7 disc set. The price, on this site is $64.99.Does anyone remember the TV series ';Beauty %26amp; The Beast'; starring Linda Hamilton? I am looking for the DVD.
    I remember it. It was boring. Check Amazon or IMDB.
    You can buy it at SunCoast Video
    Not yet released
    Yes, I remember it. It was one of my favorite shows back then.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    LMAO! yeah i remember that was kind a small tho maybe 5 or 6 somethin My grandma used to watch it lol hahahhaha some odd old funny memories lol

    Women, have you at any point taken beauty & makeup tips from gay pop culture stars like Boy George?

    LOL Yikes, hell no!

    I reckon even they cringe at some of their own 'looks' now!Women, have you at any point taken beauty %26amp; makeup tips from gay pop culture stars like Boy George?
    lol thanx for da points ppl. Report Abuse
    Women, have you at any point taken beauty %26amp; makeup tips from gay pop culture stars like Boy George?
    You're kidding right? have you seen Boy George? Do you want your girlfriend looking like that? Or any woman for that matter. Honestly!
    No, makeup just seems totally different on a guy. I wouldn't think of looking there for tips. Plus, pop culture stars are often going for a look that wouldn't translate well to normal, everyday life!
    No, but I was a huge Cure fan. I dyed my hair black, teased it up and wore black eyeliner and red lipstick! :)

    If famous stars enter miss universe beauty contest?

    angelina jolie or jessica alba etc. would they have won the contest.If famous stars enter miss universe beauty contest?
    Probably not... they have too much brain and personality.If famous stars enter miss universe beauty contest?
    no not even the first round because I've seen better looking person on the street but they are not miss uninverse or movie stars.
    No . They are not ugly but not so beautiful as they are praise for being. If they can be so famously beautiful then I can be too because they don't look better than me if I was in hollywood with 90210 surgeons.
    if they would have won valentina above avatar would have been the first place winner.
    maybe. the girls at ms. universe seem to fit a certain template. diversity in looks may not work the same way.

    Beauty or depression (starring?)?

    why do people star at me isit because im beautiful or look depressed?

    would you stare at a depressed person or beautiful person?Beauty or depression (starring?)?
    I stare at people I'm attracted to.

    People stare for different reasons and it can't be explained unless you ask them why they stare.Beauty or depression (starring?)?
    People could be staring at you for all sorts of reasons. They may like what they see, might not, might even just be thinking about something else and staring in your direction.

    You didn't give any information about yourself, so I couldn't guess as to which one of the above it may be!

    I try not to stare at people, but I would usually hold my gaze for longer on somebody I found attractive I guess.
    maybe you have something on your face!...

    In all seriousness, I have that problem too. I often think that someone is staring at me because they think I look pretty or I have something on that they like. In reality, I don't know what the reason is, they could actually be thinking: ';gosh, she needs to dye her hair/ or she has a zit on her face...ect...

    Who cares why they look, the point is that you caught their eye...for good or for bad....
  • hp ink
  • Is there a movie of Beauty and the Beast starring George C Scott?

    I have seen this years ago and I just can't get any information on weather this was a movie or a made for TV thing.Is there a movie of Beauty and the Beast starring George C Scott?
    Yes 1976 made for tv movie.

    Whats the symbol of beauty to you(some pick the stars others the moon )whats yours?

    The statue of Hermes of Praxiteles in the Museum of Olympia.

    It's really Devine....Whats the symbol of beauty to you(some pick the stars others the moon )whats yours?
    Venus of Milos and Venus of Rhodes...perfection of beauty and the femminine bodyWhats the symbol of beauty to you(some pick the stars others the moon )whats yours?
    Nature in all its intrinsic splendour!!!
    the wonders of Nature
    La Fornarina di Raffaelo e Ca d' Oro a Venezia
    it is what the person is like inthe inside

    caring, respect,love
    la sagrada familia in Barcelona, and Guadalquivir in sevilla.yes yes..a river with so much water
    Palace of Versailles: Hall of Mirrors... Perfect.
    The symbol of beauty for me are... the ';babies'; matter if they are human being or animals or flowers, all are so lovely, charming and hopefull!!! It is a new can feel the love and the blessing of the ';Creator';.
    A beautiful red rose....

    Looking for Beauty & the Beast books, from tv show starring Ron Perlman?

    If you're searching for the tie-in paperbacks for ';Beauty and the Beast';, your only (non-eBay) routes are used book dealers and the comic book and science fiction convention circuits.

    Write in your notebook/ that I love you/ your resplendence is divine/ your beauty intoxicates the stars?

    Thanx. Very sweet of u

    Sticky sweet sentimentality

    Almost morbidWrite in your notebook/ that I love you/ your resplendence is divine/ your beauty intoxicates the stars?
    What for?? Is it some sort of secret code, a message perhaps? To the pigeons? Just kidding about the pigeons.

    Sure, I'll write it down.......What for though? Sticky, popping, cherry alluring, sweet sensation of relaxation.

    Take away all of my frustration and tell this nation that I'm on vacation. Oh, what a sweet sensation. Coated chocolate butter-cups seeping in my mouth, please excuse me while I shout. Sensation, Relation, Relaxation. xoWrite in your notebook/ that I love you/ your resplendence is divine/ your beauty intoxicates the stars?
    thank u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?wait wait wtf??????????
    That i love you
    umm...may i ask why?
    I'll pass thanks.

    Does anyone remember the TV series ';Beauty & The Beast'; starring Linda Hamilton? I am looking for the DVD.

    Does anyone know of a store or internet site where I could purchase it? Thanks.Does anyone remember the TV series ';Beauty %26amp; The Beast'; starring Linda Hamilton? I am looking for the DVD.
    You can buy the complete set on ';';

    The series ran for three seasons from1987-1990. All 56 episodes are on a 7 disc set. The price, on this site is $64.99.Does anyone remember the TV series ';Beauty %26amp; The Beast'; starring Linda Hamilton? I am looking for the DVD.
    I remember it. It was boring. Check Amazon or IMDB.
    You can buy it at SunCoast Video
    Not yet released
    Yes, I remember it. It was one of my favorite shows back then.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    LMAO! yeah i remember that was kind a small tho maybe 5 or 6 somethin My grandma used to watch it lol hahahhaha some odd old funny memories lol

    Women, have you at any point taken beauty & makeup tips from gay pop culture stars like Boy George?

    LOL Yikes, hell no!

    I reckon even they cringe at some of their own 'looks' now!Women, have you at any point taken beauty %26amp; makeup tips from gay pop culture stars like Boy George?
    lol thanx for da points ppl. Report Abuse
    Women, have you at any point taken beauty %26amp; makeup tips from gay pop culture stars like Boy George?
    You're kidding right? have you seen Boy George? Do you want your girlfriend looking like that? Or any woman for that matter. Honestly!
    No, makeup just seems totally different on a guy. I wouldn't think of looking there for tips. Plus, pop culture stars are often going for a look that wouldn't translate well to normal, everyday life!
    No, but I was a huge Cure fan. I dyed my hair black, teased it up and wore black eyeliner and red lipstick! :)
  • hp ink
  • If famous stars enter miss universe beauty contest?

    angelina jolie or jessica alba etc. would they have won the contest.If famous stars enter miss universe beauty contest?
    Probably not... they have too much brain and personality.If famous stars enter miss universe beauty contest?
    no not even the first round because I've seen better looking person on the street but they are not miss uninverse or movie stars.
    No . They are not ugly but not so beautiful as they are praise for being. If they can be so famously beautiful then I can be too because they don't look better than me if I was in hollywood with 90210 surgeons.
    if they would have won valentina above avatar would have been the first place winner.
    maybe. the girls at ms. universe seem to fit a certain template. diversity in looks may not work the same way.

    Sunday, December 20, 2009

    Is there a movie of Beauty and the Beast starring George C Scott?

    I have seen this years ago and I just can't get any information on weather this was a movie or a made for TV thing.Is there a movie of Beauty and the Beast starring George C Scott?
    Yes 1976 made for tv movie.

    Whats the symbol of beauty to you(some pick the stars others the moon )whats yours?

    The statue of Hermes of Praxiteles in the Museum of Olympia.

    It's really Devine....Whats the symbol of beauty to you(some pick the stars others the moon )whats yours?
    Venus of Milos and Venus of Rhodes...perfection of beauty and the femminine bodyWhats the symbol of beauty to you(some pick the stars others the moon )whats yours?
    Nature in all its intrinsic splendour!!!
    the wonders of Nature
    La Fornarina di Raffaelo e Ca d' Oro a Venezia
    it is what the person is like inthe inside

    caring, respect,love
    la sagrada familia in Barcelona, and Guadalquivir in sevilla.yes yes..a river with so much water
    Palace of Versailles: Hall of Mirrors... Perfect.
    The symbol of beauty for me are... the ';babies'; matter if they are human being or animals or flowers, all are so lovely, charming and hopefull!!! It is a new can feel the love and the blessing of the ';Creator';.
    A beautiful red rose....

    PLease Help me with beauty & style ideas.5 stars((:?

    ok im a 13 year old girl. 5'6ish. light brown hair lik 4 inches past my shouldeers. i half some layers %26amp; side bangs im growing out that i can almost put behind my hair has natural gold highlughts. my question is can anyone give me some great hair style tips. or makeup tips. any kinda beauty. skin care too. i will pick the best most useful answer and giv eit all possible points. thanks(:PLease Help me with beauty %26amp; style ideas.5 stars((:?
    For someone as young as you, all I can suggest is to have as natural as makeup as possible...I was about that height at your age (well, more when I just turned 13...I'm closer to 15), and some flattering hair tips are straightening it in little sections (it'll look sleek and beautiful), for makeup it depends on your eye color, but i'd stick to some light foundation (if any at all) with only eye shadow (in an use the shimmery shade and the most distinct color blended on your eye then use the darkest shade in the palette as 'eyeliner' with an angled brush) and some mascara...but be sure to keep your layers trimmed and your side-bangs short enough so they don't grow 'into' your hair.PLease Help me with beauty %26amp; style ideas.5 stars((:?
    Log on to youtube and if there is a particular colour you want to experiment with do a search in youtube. ie ';purple eyeshadow'; or ';purple smokey eyes'; for example; youtube will display numerous tutorials using purple eyeshadow.

    You can do numerous searches in youtube ie ';how to apply foundation';

    You might see some tutorials by expertvillage ignore as they are not that informative.

    Also log on to she has numerous tutorials and great ideas
    Okay well this is a list that i thing would be nice


    keep your hair color

    cut it a lil i liek the the long bob

    like gwenth paltrow

    and no bangs

    BANGS are for little kids


    your young and young girls wearing tons of make up

    is gross and tacky

    and young girls shouldnt wear tons of make up

    and nice powder consealer (compact)

    sumthin u can carry and touch up in the bathroom

    go to a macy's constant for that

    its not more that 30 for a good 1


    If u have thin lips get nice lips gloss with a little red in it

    RED LIPS ARE THE SEXIEST LIPS (but not clown red subitle red)

    if your lips are full get a lip tint (redish) at Macy's not more than 10

    and chapstick (which is a DOLLAR)


    I cant tell you what ever your style is
    hi. you could try green eyeshadow just untilthe crease.i suggest eyeliner close eyelashs.and place some eyeliner under in lid as well.this colorgoes well with your hair.put some cover up too.

    you should place some clear lipgloss too
    how about this:鈥?/a>

    hope that helps :D
    hey. i had my hair like yours once. um what i did was i decided to get it cut like hayley williams (the singer of paramore) and it turned out fantastic! but it usually needs to be straightened. as for beauty tips if your eyes are sunken in the smokey eyes look would look great on you but if your eyes arent sunken in then stick to lighter colors.
    You should make your hair have loose beachy waves.

    Here is how to produce this look...

    Step 1-Wash hair and towel dry just until damp. Rub in some mousse to give your hair a little volume. Blow-dry upside down without brushing it, just run your fingers through it. Brush your part to one side. Then get your curling iron.

    Step 2-Use a curling iron with a big barrel, like 1 1/4 inch. Spiral one-inch sections of hair around the iron, hold for 15-20 seconds or so, then release the iron by pulling it out downward. This will keep the ends from getting too curly.

    Step 3- Run your fingers through the curls in that section angling toward the back of your head. As soon as it looks cute, hairspray that section and leave it alone! Now run your fingers through the rest of the curls downward, spritzing them with hairspray as soon as they look right. Don鈥檛 start your fingers too high in your hair, or all of the volume and curl at the top will disappear; instead, start at about 3 inches down from the top of your head.鈥?/a>

    Your makeup should be simple, black eyeliner, one coat of mascara on your top lashes, and some sparkly white eyeshadow on your lids. :)

    I hope I helped you! :D

    God created our minds and sense of beauty for Stars, sunsets, why did he create unattrative people?

    Please be honest. Don't just say that beauty is inside, I know it is, but im talking about outer appearance.

    We are all attracted to ''Geometrical Beauty''. We can't not scape it. When we witness a sunset our mind is stimulated by the colors, shadows and the sense of beauty.

    When you are at the store on in school and you see an attractive boy or girl, you mind is attracted to their face.

    So why did God create unattractive people?God created our minds and sense of beauty for Stars, sunsets, why did he create unattrative people?
    He didn't create ugly people at all. In Gods eyes they are beautiful in their appearance. It is just the people in the world that are cruel and mean, they always have to look at peoples appearance instead of their hearts. God don't make ugly, it is in our minds. People caterorgorize them being as ugly. I have to admit when I was in the sinning I did the same thing. Now I know better then just to look at someones appearance. God made them just the way they are. In todays society people always have to compare their looks and not their hearts. If they say he or she is ugly they automatically look down on them because of their way of thinking. I think when people do this, yourmissing out on some good friends.God created our minds and sense of beauty for Stars, sunsets, why did he create unattrative people?
    Why do you blame God for creating unattractive people? It's the way human genes work. Two unattractive people will most probably have an unattractive child. This is unless the child inherits a far off gene from an ancestor who wasn't ugly.

    Take me for instance. I'm ugly. But neither of my parents were ugly and my sisters are beautiful. Most likely one of my parents had a direct relative who ugly and I inherited his or her looks. Not God's fault. Just science set in motion.
    Maybe to test our reactions to the less than perfect challenged.
    Every one has off days!
    Sloppy craftsmanship.
    if all was beautiful all would be common and none would be of awe.
    Oh gosh, idunno.

    Maybe he made them so that dickheads who think physical attractiveness is really important to them would reveal themselves to decent folk so that we can avoid you.

    he left that job to satan...
    Beauty only exists because we have a frame of reference to place it in. Without ugliness, beauty would be meaningless, and vice versa. Beauty and ugliness are also totally subjective. Besides, I don't know that we can really compare a sky full of stars, or a gorgeous sunset to what we think of the bus driver's face. And as for why unnattractive people exist, I think it's nature's way of diversifying. Think about it; many of the most ';beautiful'; people come from a variety of ethic backgrounds. Given enough time, an isolated population will eventually become inbred, often resulting in perceived ugliness. The purpose of which is to cause the population to spread out in search of more attractive mates. This backfires when ugly people simply mate with other ugly people. And what does that leave us with? You guessed it, ugly babies.
    Only the very shallow see beauty as how someone looks. Beauty and or ugliness comes from within.

    The Ol' Hippie Jesus Freak

    Grace and Peace

    Correction... ';geometric beauty'; is not just aesthetic. We are also cognitively stimulated by unaesthetic beauty. We just call it ';ugly'; instead of ';beautiful.'; Just as you refer to unattractive people, there are unattractive natural phenomena... earthquakes for example, or tsunami's. Actually, these natural phenomena are of great beauty, except they are so deadly... which in our minds causes us to label it as ';ugly.';

    However, the real truth about nature is that it is neither ';beautiful'; nor ';ugly.'; It just is. It is the human need for ';ownership,'; for ';concreteness,'; to somehow avoid ambiguity, that causes us to label things as having meaningful characteristics. Therefore, your mindset that there *are* unattractive people speaks of limited cognitive reasoning methinks.
    To him they are all beautiful. I know what you mean though. Different people are attracted to different types. I don't quite understand it. However, I see it all of the time.
    Ask the mother of the person whom you consider ugly !!!! God is the creator so for Him everyone beautiful. If you think that a person is unattractive thats your perception.
    Some people might consider me unattractive, but my bf is very attracted to me and thinks I am beautiful.

    I think Johnny Depp is dorky looking, but others think he is the best looking man on the planet.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this is just the plain truth.
    Evolution is so crazy! It throws up all sorts of mutations, but never fear, with natural selection, all the ugly people will become extinct, if you stop having sex with them. However, one man (or woman)s beer is another man (or woman)s poison, so what you might find butt ugly, I might find totally rootable. And I'm all for sex - two thumbs up!
    What you find unattractive the next person may find attractive.

    Isn't it wonderful that we all have different tastes? According to you, only the people you find attractive should be the only ones who have relationships and marry.

    What if someone you found attractive didn't find you attractive--what a mess that would be.

    Hail the beautiful people!

    What is the beauty secret of movie stars?

    They have professional makeup artiste helping them and the confidence of being a star brings out the beauty in them, i think. =)What is the beauty secret of movie stars?
    most of them look trashy and fake

    the look aneroxic and its discustingWhat is the beauty secret of movie stars?
    The airbrush!
    good makeup
  • hp ink
  • Are American Beauty Pageants starring young children sexualising children?

    I watched a programme about it and as a Scot found it a shocking and horrifying that mothers would dress up their young girls in adult attire with full-on makeup - and that this was a big industry. I am sure Britain would throw the full weight of law on this if it occurred on these shores. There must be thousands of paedophiles that follow this around the states.

    I would really value American opinions on this, as this way of treating girls is so alien to me, and anyone who participates in this will find it strange that i dont get it.Are American Beauty Pageants starring young children sexualising children?
    yes there are lots of paedophiles within the pageant industry, the parent's don't care they are doing it for themselves not the child and yes this is normally a mother doing it to a daughter putting her at risk or worse forcing them to be sexually abused to win by long as they are the mother of the winner they don't careAre American Beauty Pageants starring young children sexualising children?
    Only in America.
    They are amongst the most disturbing thing I have ever witnessed. I makes one wonder what is wrong with the parents and other adults involved.
    Only in the US of America
    Well if you start early, there are more chances you end up being a Paris Hilton.

    yeah, it's true, it's disgusting the way they dress them up. Kids shouldn't be doing things like that, dressing up like an adult, there are some sick people out there, and they'll enjoy the whole thing too much and those people shouldn't be able to see kids that way, or at all.
    If you look around UK high streets you will see parents doing the same to their children every day.

    I despise the current trend of making little girls look like grown up, and grown up dressing like little girls.

    It is forcing the girls into specific gener roles, roles that should be a mix of familial and wider system influence, not what TV says
    I watched a programme about it too. I couldnt believe what I wash watching. The mothers were like crazy idiots, trying to make up for their lost youth. These children dont know any better but their parents should. There is something very weird about young girls being made to look adult
    thats the ';moral majority ';for you

    What is the arabic tranlsation for ';moonlight'; ';moon & stars'; ';moonlit beauty'; ';full moon';

    I am trying to get independent confirmation of the translations for these in Arabic. I am looking for the American English transliteration of the Arabic words. Bonus would be to also see the arabic script for the same.

    1. ';moonlight';

    2. ';moon %26amp; stars';

    3. ';moonlit beauty';

    4. ';full moon';What is the arabic tranlsation for ';moonlight'; ';moon %26amp; stars'; ';moonlit beauty'; ';full moon';
    moon light: 賳賭賵 乇 丕賱賭賯賭賲賭乇 nour alqamar

    moon %26amp; stars 丕賱賭賯賭賲賭乇 賵丕賱賭賳賭噩賭賵賲 alqamar walnijoum

    moon beauty 噩賭賲賭丕賱 丕賱賭賯賭賲賭乇 jamal alqamar

    moon light beauty 噩賭賲賭丕賱 賳賭賵乇 丕賱賭賯賭賲賭乇

    full moon 亘賭丿乇 , 丕賱賭亘賭丿乇 badr,albadr

    note:the ';q'; sounds very deep,just like chickens sound

    for reliable Arabic translations visit鈥?/a>What is the arabic tranlsation for ';moonlight'; ';moon %26amp; stars'; ';moonlit beauty'; ';full moon';
    1-賳賵乇 丕賱賯賲乇 \囟賵亍 丕賱賯賲乇

    2-丕賱賯賲乇 賵丕賱賳噩賵賲

    3-噩賲丕賱 丕賱賯賲乇


    Does anybody know why Jeffree Star won't be releasing ';Blush'; on Beauty Killer?

    I'm under the impression it's because of the references to doing drugs with Lindsay Lohan, the smoking crack with Britney Spears, the Jonas Brothers orgy, and the bit about ';I'm Just Being Miley'; since that's so notorious with Miley Cyrus and Star and Trace Cyrus aren't exactly the best buddies in the world.

    That's just speculation.

    However, I think this seems like a false theory since Eminem's recent song badmouths the heck out of Portia De Rossi, Ellen Degeneres, Samantha Ronson, Lindsay Lohan, Sarah Palin, Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Jessica Alba, Amy Winehouse and Amy's husband Blake. The music video also takes pot shots at Star Trek, Psycho, Brett Michaels, Jessica Simpson's footballer boyfriend, Rainman, Transformers, Elvis Presley's Jailhouse Rock and both seem to consistently makes jokes about lesbians needing to return to dating men.

    So... I mean, with all that having gotten away with for the most part, you'd think that a few lyrics about looking towards the downside of celebrity life using notable tabloid references and trying to devirginalize the popular child media of today would be something easily overseen.Does anybody know why Jeffree Star won't be releasing ';Blush'; on Beauty Killer?
    WHAT?!?!?!! I LOVE JEFFREE STAR!!!!!!!!!! (ice cream and prisoner are my fave songs!)

    and yes i agree, i heard eminem's song, and my mouth droped! i could not belive what he was saying to lesibans! that just made me not like him even more! the song was so judgemental, and if ask me he was mostly only talking about women!!! i think he is a b******!!!


    Guess who is starring in the next Movie ';Beauty and the Beast';?

    I'll give you a clue, they are both Manchester United players and they are both brilliant!!!!Guess who is starring in the next Movie ';Beauty and the Beast';?
    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;Your Lookin At them.Guess who is starring in the next Movie ';Beauty and the Beast';?
    rooney and ronaldo? i wouldnt normally call rooney a beast but since i know ure a manu fan too and that ure not taking the piss!
    rooney beast at soccer

    are u referring to cristiano ronaldo and tevez?

    Can anyone please send me 200 pounds beauty soundtrack i.e maria, beautiful girl,star?

    i watched the movie, 200 pounds beauty just's sooooo great.and i love the songs badly.can anyone please send me the songs through im:

    send to;

    i'm glad if u can send it to me.tqCan anyone please send me 200 pounds beauty soundtrack i.e maria, beautiful girl,star?
    You can try a few of these sites. You can stream or download movies for free. Good luck

    http://www.2manyflicks.comCan anyone please send me 200 pounds beauty soundtrack i.e maria, beautiful girl,star?
    i know !~ i love those songs.

    i have tracked down the OST here:

    its there and on that site is a bajillion other OST's for other dramas/movies as well.

    i loved the maria song ~ it was so touching. i wish i could sing that well. :)
    I found something there, check it out

    How do you get on Korean show ';Talk with Beauties'; or ';Star King';?

    How do you get on the Korean shows Talk with Beauties and Star King?How do you get on Korean show ';Talk with Beauties'; or ';Star King';?
    Watch for open cast calls and audition.How do you get on Korean show ';Talk with Beauties'; or ';Star King';?
    To get on star king you need to go to their website or phone then. Those are the only ways to do it. Report Abuse
  • hp ink
  • The Beauty of Mathematics. ( Give a Star, if you think so )?

    1 x 8 + 1 = 9

    12 x 8 + 2 = 98

    123 x 8 + 3 = 987

    1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876

    12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765

    123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654

    1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543

    12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432

    123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

    1 x 9 + 2 = 11

    12 x 9 + 3 = 111

    123 x 9 + 4 = 1111

    1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111

    12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111

    123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111

    1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111

    12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111

    123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

    9 x 9 + 7 = 88

    98 x 9 + 6 = 888

    987 x 9 + 5 = 8888

    9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888

    98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888

    987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888

    9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888

    98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888 Brilliant, isn't it?

    1 x 1 = 1

    11 x 11 = 121

    111 x 111 = 12321

    1111 x 1111 = 1234321

    11111 x 11111 = 123454321

    111111 x 111111 = 12345654321

    1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321

    11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321

    111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321The Beauty of Mathematics. ( Give a Star, if you think so )?
    That is pretty awesomeThe Beauty of Mathematics. ( Give a Star, if you think so )?
    Beautiful! I love the last part!
    That IS spectacular and very well worth sharing! Thank You!
    WOW! grea! definitely worth sharing.
    cool! I like the last part too!
    Excellent and very true!
    WOW!!! that is amazing! i have always loved mathematics but who knew there were so many mystifying things about it? this is truly interesting, one of the best pieces of random knowledge i have ever gained..............and yes, it is extremely brilliant!
    very amusing
    ahh thats nice. i wonder who figured all of that out. did you?

    What is the song ';She's my baby doll, she's my beauty queen, she's my movie star?

    She's a high maintance women that dont want a maintance man.

    It is a country song...Who sings it?

    Thanks in advanceWhat is the song ';She's my baby doll, she's my beauty queen, she's my movie star?
    Toby Keith - High Maintenance WomanWhat is the song ';She's my baby doll, she's my beauty queen, she's my movie star?
    High Maintenance Woman by Toby Keith
    Toby Keith
    high maintence woman - toby keith
    toby keith from his big dog daddy album.

    I see her layin' by the poolside every day

    She ain't got a lot on

    She ain't got a lot to say

    She wouldn't look my way

    But buddy, what do you expect

    I'm just the fix-it-up boy at the apartment complex

    And she'll go out dancin' 'bout seven-fifteen

    Climb into the back of a long limosine

    I know where she's goin'

    She's goin' downtown

    I'm goin' downtown too, and take a look around

    She's my baby doll

    She's my beauty queen

    She's my movie star

    Best I ever seen

    I ain't hooked it up yet

    But I'm tyin' hard as I can

    It's just a high maintenance woman

    Don't want no maintenance man

    I'm just sittin' 'round waitin' on a telephone call

    After water pipe exploded in the living room wall

    If your washer and dryer need a repair

    You know the hadyman's waitin'

    And he'll be right there

    Twenty-four hours

    Seven days a week

    If it's gettin' clogged up or maybe startin' to leak

    Just ring up my number, baby, give me a try

    You know I got all the tools

    And I can satisfy

    She's my baby doll

    She's my beauty queen

    She's my movie star

    Best I ever seen

    I ain't asked her out yet

    'Cause I don't know if I can

    You see a high maitenance woman

    Don't want no maintenance man

    She's my baby doll

    She's my beauty queen

    She's my movie star

    Best I ever seen

    I ain't hooked it up yet

    But I'm tryin' hard as I can

    Ain't no high maintenance woman

    Gonna fall for a maintenance man
    Its called High Maintenance Toby Keith
    It's High Maintenance Woman by Toby Keith.

    he sings a lot of good songs. that is his newest.
    the best-TOBY KEITH!!!!
    toby of the best there are
    High Maintenance Woman by Toby Keith - great song! :)
    High Maintenance woman- Toby Keith

    Yes, it is a country song.
    Mr Toby Keith

    Could Fraxinus nigra and I star in a production of '; The Beauty and the Beast';?

    I have no idea who that is...but,

    sure, why not?

    When doe Jeffree Star's new album, Beauty Killer, come out?

    the question says it all.

    oh, and if you don't like jeffree star, DONT COMMENT. i dont respect haters.When doe Jeffree Star's new album, Beauty Killer, come out?
    September.When doe Jeffree Star's new album, Beauty Killer, come out?

    Who likes the tall blond beauty on dancin wth star?

    the guysWho likes the tall blond beauty on dancin wth star?
    Not just the guys!! She's beautiful, an incredible dancer, and a joy to watch! She just smiles and smiles, and I look forward to seeing Stacy every week! Except those legs are taller than I am.....

    Unfortunately, I don't think she's going to win which is a shame because she has been consistently the best. The Jive was the best, but the free form was a disappointment.Who likes the tall blond beauty on dancin wth star?
    not me!

    Who likes the tall blond beauty on dancin wth star?

    the guysWho likes the tall blond beauty on dancin wth star?
    Not just the guys!! She's beautiful, an incredible dancer, and a joy to watch! She just smiles and smiles, and I look forward to seeing Stacy every week! Except those legs are taller than I am.....

    Unfortunately, I don't think she's going to win which is a shame because she has been consistently the best. The Jive was the best, but the free form was a disappointment.Who likes the tall blond beauty on dancin wth star?
    not me!
  • hp ink
  • Guess who is starring in the next Movie ';Beauty and the Beast';?

    I'll give you a clue, they are both Manchester United players and they are both brilliant!!!!Guess who is starring in the next Movie ';Beauty and the Beast';?
    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;Your Lookin At them.Guess who is starring in the next Movie ';Beauty and the Beast';?
    rooney and ronaldo? i wouldnt normally call rooney a beast but since i know ure a manu fan too and that ure not taking the piss!
    rooney beast at soccer

    are u referring to cristiano ronaldo and tevez?

    Which HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY or ROCK/POP STAR has the nicest ';RACK';?

    I doWhich HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY or ROCK/POP STAR has the nicest ';RACK';?
    I've never really been inside a famous persons house, So I couldn't really say who has the nicest towel rack.Which HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY or ROCK/POP STAR has the nicest ';RACK';?
    martha stewart ...shes got pepper and oregano and basil on it
    You do caveman! Can you show me your manboobs?
    Scarlett Johanson.
    Right now I'm thinkin' Jessica Biel.
    Who ever's aren't surgically that would leave.......erm.........?
    Jessica Alba
    Pamela Anderson
    j simpson.////
    Scarlett Johannson. She invited me to her house one time and showed me her book rack, and it was very nice. What were you thinking, perves?

    What is the arabic tranlsation for ';moonlight'; ';moon & stars'; ';moonlit beauty'; ';full moon';

    I am trying to get independent confirmation of the translations for these in Arabic. I am looking for the American English transliteration of the Arabic words. Bonus would be to also see the arabic script for the same.

    1. ';moonlight';

    2. ';moon %26amp; stars';

    3. ';moonlit beauty';

    4. ';full moon';What is the arabic tranlsation for ';moonlight'; ';moon %26amp; stars'; ';moonlit beauty'; ';full moon';
    moon light: 賳賭賵 乇 丕賱賭賯賭賲賭乇 nour alqamar

    moon %26amp; stars 丕賱賭賯賭賲賭乇 賵丕賱賭賳賭噩賭賵賲 alqamar walnijoum

    moon beauty 噩賭賲賭丕賱 丕賱賭賯賭賲賭乇 jamal alqamar

    moon light beauty 噩賭賲賭丕賱 賳賭賵乇 丕賱賭賯賭賲賭乇

    full moon 亘賭丿乇 , 丕賱賭亘賭丿乇 badr,albadr

    note:the ';q'; sounds very deep,just like chickens sound

    for reliable Arabic translations visit鈥?/a>What is the arabic tranlsation for ';moonlight'; ';moon %26amp; stars'; ';moonlit beauty'; ';full moon';
    1-賳賵乇 丕賱賯賲乇 \囟賵亍 丕賱賯賲乇

    2-丕賱賯賲乇 賵丕賱賳噩賵賲

    3-噩賲丕賱 丕賱賯賲乇


    Beer & beauty joke (please star if you like it)?

    A husband and wife are doing their grocery shopping.

    The man picks up a case of beer and sticks in into the shopping cart.

    ';What do you think you're doing?'; asks the wife.

    ';They're on sale, only $10.00 for 24 cans,'; he says.

    ';Put them back. We can't afford it,'; says the wife and they carry on shopping...

    A few aisles later the woman picks up a $20.00 jar of face cream and sticks it into the cart.

    ';Whoa, what do you think you're doing?'; asks the man.

    ';It's my face cream. It makes me look beautiful,'; she says.

    The man replies, ';So does the beer, and it's HALF THE PRICE!';Beer %26amp; beauty joke (please star if you like it)?
    hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!Beer %26amp; beauty joke (please star if you like it)?
    lmao someone was sleeping on the couch that night!
    o I liked that....

    What is your sun sign( star sign) and please tell us what your favourite make up beauty product is...?

    For example... I am a Taurus and I could not live without sparkle powder, moisterisor, and pan stick.What is your sun sign( star sign) and please tell us what your favourite make up beauty product is...?
    I'm a Scorpio gal, and I LOVE my Dior Kiss lip gloss.

    For the evening, nothing accentuates Scorpio piercing eyes better then Dior Show mascara

    Also that mineral veil from Bare Escentuals always adds a fresh look to my face in case i don't sleep enoughWhat is your sun sign( star sign) and please tell us what your favourite make up beauty product is...?
    I'm addicted to not only lipstick but plum and purple shades of lipstick :) I also love lavendar eyeshadow and lip gloss. I used to be really into body glitter and had roll-on bottles in all colors in my bathroom cabinet.
    I'm Taurus, but my Moon is in Capricorn. I'm allergic to face powders and such. I only use toner and moisturiser...oh, and Chapstick for my lips.
    I am a Pisces and I could not live without my eyeliner-I use it on a daily basis. I think that's probably my only favourite beauty product.
    Well, I love covergirl lip glosses, mascara, earth colored eye shadows and black eyeliner....I am a pisces....and when I just want to be plain, I just put some Burt's Bee's chap stick on and head out.
    im a scorpio i love mac powder and my blush and bronzer for sure and my lancome mascara long extended eyelashes
    I'm a Virgo.

    I love my Clinique face liquid and powder. Any thing to conceal my imperfections. Lol.
    Virgo, and I don't wear makeup, but I do wear mascara everyday.
    i don't like make up beauty products.... gemini
    I love the sparkly eye lashes and I love eye shadow. I'm a leo

    Who do you think is the most overrated actress/pop star in terms of beauty?

    Cameron diaz

    rene zeleweger

    drew barrymoreWho do you think is the most overrated actress/pop star in terms of beauty?
    jessica simpsonWho do you think is the most overrated actress/pop star in terms of beauty?
    Jamie Lyn Spears

    Britney Spears

    Miley Cyrus
    Cameron Diaz

    Paris Hilton
    ALL of them. God Bless you.
    katherine heigl
    that hannah montana girl!!!!!
    angelina jolie.....
    britney spears!
    I think that Gisele the model is slightly overrated. She is pretty but I don't know if she deserves to be called one of the prettiest woman on earth.
    Jessica Alba, i seriously do not see anything about her.
    i Agree Jessica a.
    jessica alba
  • hp ink
  • When doe Jeffree Star's new album, Beauty Killer, come out?

    the question says it all.

    oh, and if you don't like jeffree star, DONT COMMENT. i dont respect haters.When doe Jeffree Star's new album, Beauty Killer, come out?
    September.When doe Jeffree Star's new album, Beauty Killer, come out?

    Team Obama: since you guys would know was Sarah Palin a porn star or just a young woman in a Beauty contest???

    I have been getting these Emails from some concerned group (Team Obama) suggesting unsavory things about VP select Sarah PalinTeam Obama: since you guys would know was Sarah Palin a porn star or just a young woman in a Beauty contest???
    In those Immortal words of Ronaldus Magnus ';There they go again';Team Obama: since you guys would know was Sarah Palin a porn star or just a young woman in a Beauty contest???
    I'm voting for Obama, and i wouldn't give a chain email the time of day, whoever it was about, so why are you.

    Anyone that perpetuates malicious rumor is a disgrace to the party the say they support. I often wonder if they aren't just pretending to be for the candidate they say they're against.
    Oh definatly a porn star. Check out this image. You may like it but not really the hockey mom image.
    That is a lie and you know it. And why are people calling Obama Sexist when he want equal pay for both men and woman. McCains the one who doesn't want equal wages. If you ask me McCain is sexist.
    they are jealous and unwilling to admit the playing field has been leveled. actually she has more experience than Obama, and she is smarter!!!!!! Obama will lose badly in Nov.
    I'm not a member of any team. As far as I know...Palin was a beauty pageant contestant 20 years ago...or more. And?

    That's the least of my worries about Palin.
    '; Team Obama';

    Their sexism is the reason many women have crossed over and will vote for McCain

    I hope they keep up the good work
    She has more balls than Obama and Biden combined...

    No, not a porn star. The most she ever did was a Hustler layout.
    They're into gay porn, so no, libs wouldn't know.
    Oh come on, she was just in a beauty pageant.
    their scared shi*****
    if that's your best question this country's in trouble

    What female singer or movie star u would say has natural beauty?

    One lady came directly to my mind as Natural Beauty...and it has been answered once on here already...That person is Shania Twain...I don't recall seeing her ever wearing makeup...very naturalWhat female singer or movie star u would say has natural beauty?
    kate winslett (In Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind).What female singer or movie star u would say has natural beauty?
    I have to go with Jessica Alba.....she is the epitome of natural beauty...
    It sure as hell ain`t Mariah Carey or Paris Hilton

    I`d say Sandra Bullock. She`s hot.
    p!nk, reese witherspoon
    Beyonce and Rachel McAdams (the notebook and Mean girls.)
    Helen Hunt.
    Jessica Alba....even tho I'm not nuts about her....she is a natural beauty.....Demi Moore was....back in the St. Elmo's Fire days...
    faith hill
    resse whitherspoon, and sandra bullock
    Bryce Dallas Howard
    Um, Jessica Biel and Kate Bosworth. They just seem very happy and comfortable with themselves.

    By the way, I just got to level 4. I just felt the need to tell someone. Thanks for listening.
    Tyra Banks
    A lot of them have natural beauty...Natalie Portman.
    mandy moore
    Halle Berry %26amp; Shakira
    Shakira... she only wears foundation and mascara, which doesn't really change your look that much. She doesn't wear crazy eyeliner, eyeshadow up to her eyebrows, lipstick or lipliner, etc. She's mostly natural and does her makeup herself rather than having a makeup artist.
    John Goodman
    halle berry
    Pam Grier-actress

    Kenya Moore-Miss Detroit/actress

    Angela Basset-actress
    Mischa Barton. She just has that natural glow. Same with Cameron Diaz.

    Would you let your child star in a beauty pageant ?

    Oh been there done that.Would you let your child star in a beauty pageant ?
    Certainly not!Would you let your child star in a beauty pageant ?
    ho yes if shes got it flaunt it babes
    hell no
    if i had a child star

    but i would encourage any child i may have to get into the show biz so young...loke at the stunning examples of why not....
    Yes, but I wouldn't let her (or myself) get carried away with the attention.
    Of course

    Not until they were old enough to tell me that was something THEY actually wanted to do.

    I do not live vicariously through my children like most of those pageant mothers appear to.....
    Good God NO! Those things are only good for entertaining pedophiles and arrogant parents. And why set my child up to value the physical so highly?
    No... I don't even have a child, but no way. It's 1) too expensive for maintenance and 2) bad on self-confidence (can make too self-centered if they win or sad and depressed if they don't win.)

    Have you seen Dr. Phil when they do the child beauty pagaents? It's very incredible how the moms get so wrapped up in it instead of the child!

    Have a good day :)
    if thats what she wanted.
    NO. I don't want my child to be cocky or arrogant.
    nope, she should be out having fun with her friends and meeting new people, not walking on a runway in a swimsuit infront of a large group of people, taking pictures which they will probley post on the internet for pedophiles to see.
    HELL NO!!!! and those that do should be brought up on child abuse charges
    Yes but he's 30 and has a beard. He would if you paid him.
    no. even if my child was beautiful, I want to emphasize that looks aren't the most important thing. I'd like to enroll her in a spelling bee instead if possible.
    NO WAY!


    No way.
    No. I don't think beauty pageants are good for self esteem issues. I wouldn't want my daughter to feel that she is not pretty enough. Even though I know she is beautiful, I know what kids go through. I never thought I was pretty as a teen and I've heard teens today talking about how they don't feel they are pretty. In fact I work with a girl who is 18 and she has 3 secret admirers. She told me she doesn't know why all these boys like her, that she's not that pretty. Well, I looked at her and said I think you're beautiful. So again, I would not put my daughter in a beauty pageant because I don't want someone telling her she's not pretty enough. Kids have enough problems these days without adding to them.
    No, I wouldn't. I believe we reply too much on good look opposed to actual intelligence and as a young child it is not what I would instill in her. She can make that decision for herself when she is of age.
    I'm only 13 so this is hypothetically. No,because any child of mind is bound to be self centered and big headed, just like me!!
    If she or he was really special yes. I know a lady who has a gifted and beautiful 8 yr old who has done a lot of commercials and is a natural in front of the camera and enjoys it very much.

    The child must want it as well not just the parent.
    not a young child, but if they're old enough why not?
    whatever for my lil one... if I had one

    why wouldn't i?!

    it's her life
    I have to disagree with all the moms saying that pageants are bad for a child's self esteem. My daughter has been competing in pageants since the age of 7, when she asked me to compete in one. We've done natural (no makeup) pageants, and the big glitz pageants with the hair/makeup/etc. She's won in both systems and lost in both systems. We were picky about which pageants we chose, who we associated with at pageants. We have three rules...have fun, do your best, make a new friend. If she does those three, it was a successful pageant! She is now 15, a straight A student, an artist, sings, competes in karate, and is almost finished with her first novel! She attributes her confidence and her ability to set goals and focus on her pageant experience. I've had her teachers comment on how confident she is in class, and she is one of the few teens out there that could care less what the popular people think of her, or if she wears the latest styles in clothes/makeup, etc. She does her own thing and is very happy with who she is and what she looks like!

    It's not the pageants themselves that are bad. It's what you do with the experience! I have a friend who we've known through pageants all 8 years, and her daughter has been in pageants, cheer and dance. She said it is amazing that all three activities cost the same, and have the same good and bad people in them! She said there are cheer and dance moms that live through their kids and are just as bad as some pageant moms!

    My daughter has never, and I mean never, been upset after not winning at a pageant, and said she didn't think she was pretty enough or had a bad body, face, hair etc. That has never crossed her mind! Her first thought has usually been that the person that won just did a better job on stage that day, had a better interview, performed their talent better, and was the best one that day! She's always asked the judges for advice, and thanked the judges and directors, winner or not. That is what I taught her to do, and she does it to this day the same way! She's happy for the winner, and thankful we had a great weekend together competing, swimming in the pool, ordering room service dessert and making new friends! So you see, it's not the activity, it's what you make of it.
    No. It forces children to grow up too fast....the makeup, the waving, the attitude and when they lose it's a major disappointment for a child to handle.

    Don Imus to star in new beauty and the BEAST movie?

    A black woman actress is supposedly to star as the beautyDon Imus to star in new beauty and the BEAST movie?
    It was a runny joke on his show that he and his wife ARE Beauty and the Beast.Don Imus to star in new beauty and the BEAST movie?
    ha ha ha.. funny... NOT!
    I like Don Imus, and I dont think he shousld've been fired. That was a rank joke btw.

    Theres a porn star with a rib piece saying beauty knows pain. any one know who it is?

    i saw here on like dans movies it was i pic and i couldnt find her nameTheres a porn star with a rib piece saying beauty knows pain. any one know who it is?
    dude... that's just creepy. get into some better stuff...

    like donkey shows.
  • hp ink
  • Have you ever marveled at the beauty of a shooting star while forgetting that it could be lethal if it hit the?

    ground...?Have you ever marveled at the beauty of a shooting star while forgetting that it could be lethal if it hit the?
    Wow...just one more thing to worry about now...thanks.Have you ever marveled at the beauty of a shooting star while forgetting that it could be lethal if it hit the?
    wow, this one shot by so fast we all missed it

    does that mean it's not lethal

    or marvelous

    or beautiful

    Has anyone ever heard of New Star Discovery? Kids Beauty Pageant?

    I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of New star Discovery, kids beauty pageant or entered it?

    Is it a rip off? The entry fees are so high! Does anyone know of any legit pageants that don鈥檛 charge? Or any good talent agents? Please help!

    please feel free to e-mail me if you have any info on it, or want more info =) ThanksHas anyone ever heard of New Star Discovery? Kids Beauty Pageant?
    It is a SCAM!! I know of a couple of people who attended it recently in TX. Wouldn't you know that both of their kids came in third place based on their pictures! That only means that they are invited to the next round where it will cost even more money to enter. Definitely avoid this scam!!

    Never pay money to be seen. Go to the Screen Actor's Guild website to find a list of legitimate agents in your area:鈥?/a>

    They never charge a fee for a potential client to be placed with the agency and they don't make money until you do. Most of the time expensive photos aren't needed for small childen unless you live in a top market. Most agencies will only request that you send snapshots of your kids every few months.Has anyone ever heard of New Star Discovery? Kids Beauty Pageant?
    You're welcome and good luck! Report Abuse

    Would you star in a reality show like Flavor of Love, I love New York, Beauty and the Greek, etc.?

    personally i wouldn't.

    i always think those shows carry forth a lot of drama, and i never wanted to be popular, world known, or famous.Would you star in a reality show like Flavor of Love, I love New York, Beauty and the Greek, etc.?
    No, definitely not.

    All it is is drama and if it's one of the romantic shows, how strong can your connection really be if the other person was all over other people the first bit of the relationship?

    The contestants are almost all shown in a bad light and that's what you'll have to deal with the rest of your life.Would you star in a reality show like Flavor of Love, I love New York, Beauty and the Greek, etc.?
    Well, I would like to do a show like that. Not for the fame, but just the experience, I'm one that can handle lots of drama around me so the drama wouldn't be a problem for me.

    I like reality tv because of the elimination processes that go on and whittle the competition down to a final winner. Its somewhat a competition of survival of the fittest. I don't believe those shows are good ways to find love however, because the producers pick the people who are going to be on the show, and there is very little interaction between the main person of the show and the interviewees. It would pretty much be a thing I would do just for the experience.

    no because everyone that's are from those shows are looked upon as pathetic after....i'd rather be known for talent instead of ';creating an awesome cat fight';
    I wouldn't want to because I've seen some of those shows and they can be very dramatic just like you said. I agree with you I don't want to be world known or famous.

    But I do like watching Beauty and the Geek.

    I hate all the drama though, I wouldnt be able to live like that.
    No I would not. I do love to watch them.
    I wouldn't. They just seem weird and shameless to me.

    What's your beauty product 'star'?

    I mean a great value product that always works and doesn't cost the earth.

    For me it would be Herbal Essences shampoo and Superdrug Vitamin E range.What's your beauty product 'star'?
    hey I'm with you with herbal essences. its my favourite.What's your beauty product 'star'?
    Barry M dazzle dust eye shadow.

    (and the glitter dusts too.)

    And herble essences...

    and max factor masterpeice max mascara.
    Shockwaves mousse for curly hair.
    Maybelline matte mouse, fawn shade. It give me that extra boost inside because it gives me a flawless finish and only costs around 拢4! Other than that, it would have to be a little tin of Vaseline at 99p =) Princess Lola x
    mario badescu drying lotion
    Think it has to be Maybelline Great Lash.

    Write a poem with the, gasoline, beauty, raccoon?

    goodluck!Write a poem with the, gasoline, beauty, raccoon?

    Is beauty the moon o'er a castle with moat,

    Or a naked blond on an old raccoon coat?

    Or is it a star shining down on the green,

    Or a '68 Mustang with high test gasoline?

    Beauty is a matter of taste, and you see

    None of these things really do it for me.

    No, I'd rather stay home and drink Genessee

    With a Rams and Colts game on hi-def TV.Write a poem with the, gasoline, beauty, raccoon?
    Here's a bad one but one nonetheless. You never mentioned that it had to have any literary value, hehe.

    Where鈥檇 you acquire such beauty?

    Asked the night to the prideful star.

    Tonight's sleep seemed to be fleeting

    While dreaming you up from afar.

    Your beauty seems to creep on me

    Much as a sneaky raccoon

    Hiding behind the mask

    Of the opalescent moon.

    Show yourself to me each day

    Without you I simply can鈥檛 run.

    Like a car without gasoline

    Or a morning devoid of caffeine.

    If I lack your presence my power鈥檚 undone

    I鈥檇 lack the strength to tackle the sun.
    Beauty twinkles overhead.

    the raccoon constellation.

    the heavens it's bed.

    Orion stretches, across the sky,

    his mighty belt

    of hope for many 'tis a sign.

    No more can we see the heavens

    blotted out my the orange dim

    of the gasoline stars

    and the electric hymn.

    A poem by La Kias
    Gasoline stars form in the center of your eyes

    With one look, it's no surprise

    The beauty they hold comes to soon.

    Oh look! Its that damn racoon, actin' a bahfooon.


    Which Disney star would you like to see playing Sleeping Beauty in a live action movie

    ashley tisdale would suit the part well.Which Disney star would you like to see playing Sleeping Beauty in a live action movie
    Ashley Leggat%26lt;333Which Disney star would you like to see playing Sleeping Beauty in a live action movie
    I think Selena Gomez would be really good for this role because she's pretty and young.
    well, she's not Disney,

    but i'd like to see Taylor Swift play Sleeping Beauty.
    ashley tisdale 4 me
    Ashley Tisdale would be good for that role.

    They are all too ugly.

    What about Carrie Underwood or something?
  • hp ink
  • What year or years did Nick Jonas star in Beauty and the Beast?

    Nick Jonas played Chip in the Beauty and the Beast in 2002.What year or years did Nick Jonas star in Beauty and the Beast?
    he did perform in Beauty and the beast in year 2002 and he had written a song with his father called ';Joy To The World (A Christmas Prayer).

    Which Disney star would you like to see playing Sleeping Beauty in a live action movie

    ashley tisdale would suit the part well.Which Disney star would you like to see playing Sleeping Beauty in a live action movie
    Ashley Leggat%26lt;333Which Disney star would you like to see playing Sleeping Beauty in a live action movie
    I think Selena Gomez would be really good for this role because she's pretty and young.
    well, she's not Disney,

    but i'd like to see Taylor Swift play Sleeping Beauty.
    ashley tisdale 4 me
    Ashley Tisdale would be good for that role.

    They are all too ugly.

    What about Carrie Underwood or something?

    What's your beauty product 'star'?

    I mean a great value product that always works and doesn't cost the earth.

    For me it would be Herbal Essences shampoo and Superdrug Vitamin E range.What's your beauty product 'star'?
    hey I'm with you with herbal essences. its my favourite.What's your beauty product 'star'?
    Barry M dazzle dust eye shadow.

    (and the glitter dusts too.)

    And herble essences...

    and max factor masterpeice max mascara.
    Shockwaves mousse for curly hair.
    Maybelline matte mouse, fawn shade. It give me that extra boost inside because it gives me a flawless finish and only costs around 拢4! Other than that, it would have to be a little tin of Vaseline at 99p =) Princess Lola x
    mario badescu drying lotion
    Think it has to be Maybelline Great Lash.

    Jeffree star-beauty killer?

    does anyone know when this album is coming out in australia , thanks.Jeffree star-beauty killer?
    jeffree star will be coming to australia in 2011

    Relic66~~~➤Jeffree star-beauty killer?
    its comeing out in july! he said! Report Abuse

    Jeffree Star confirmed with me that his new album ';Beauty Killer'; will be released throughout the world on August 4th, 2009. Report Abuse

    Actually 'Beauty Killer' will be released September 1st but I dont if its for Australia but maybe well jsut have to see Report Abuse

    he is sexy! i know that he is a boy too, but the only reason i think hes so sexy is because he looks like a woman. but im straight.
    Hopefully never!
    that thing makes me feel icky inside

    Star Beauty Bikini Swimsuit by Forplay?

    Does anyone know where I can find this bathing suit (or something very similar) but less expensive?鈥?/a>Star Beauty Bikini Swimsuit by Forplay?
    Maybe the Victoria's Secret website. They have a wide selection and you can buy tops and bottoms separately.Star Beauty Bikini Swimsuit by Forplay?
    Great suit, but sorry, I think that's a good price and I don't think you can get a less expensive version you'll be happy with, since cheap metallic material doesn't work well.
    Target has lots of cute swimsuits that you can mix and matches the tops and bottoms!

    What are the bonus songs on jeffree star beauty killer?

    what are the bonus songs on jeffree star beauty killerWhat are the bonus songs on jeffree star beauty killer?

    Party Crusher.

    God Hates Your Outfit.


    :DWhat are the bonus songs on jeffree star beauty killer?
    check his myspace

    i still need to hear it to see if i'll buy it
  • hp ink
  • At night would you rather follow the North Star or the Beauty of a neon IHOP sign?

    The Neon Blue!At night would you rather follow the North Star or the Beauty of a neon IHOP sign?
    IHOP!At night would you rather follow the North Star or the Beauty of a neon IHOP sign?
    IHOP sign for sure!! Besides that North Star thing's been done already..if you believe what you read in the ';papers'; anyway...
    beautiful north star
    IHOP RULZ! id take the sign any day xD
    I'll take the star, less trans fat.

    Does anybody have information on ';New Star Discovery'; beauty pageant? Why are the fees so high?

    Are these type of beauty pageants a ripoff? Is there any child beauty pagents that really look at a childs features?Does anybody have information on ';New Star Discovery'; beauty pageant? Why are the fees so high?
    New Star is all about the kids. I have a daughter that went on to win Nationals with New Star in 1998 and has went on to make several commericals over the years. It is what you make it, the fact is a kids are beautiful. New Star helps bring out the child's personality and hopefully that is a plus. Good Luck. New Star is a Good Pageant. Many others are ripoffs which I also found out the hard way. Good Luck

    What are Porn star BODY beauty tips that makes them look amazing??/?

    lol! interesting question. Lots of people are probably going to say the breasts. But i think it's the abs and healthy looking hair. :) Lots of makeup and editing helps too.What are Porn star BODY beauty tips that makes them look amazing??/?
    -Airbrushing and makeup

    -Correct angles and perfect lighting.

    -Plastic surgery for most of the women.What are Porn star BODY beauty tips that makes them look amazing??/?
    All FAKE no one is actually that pretty imagine them without makeup scares me to even think about it!!
    amazing? LOL
    It's ALL fake. Seriously. No one naturally looks like that.
    Google how to look like a pornstar... No joke鈥?/a>

    Maybe that will help
    well phoenix marie has the best *** ever i mean like if i could have sex with one women itdd be her
    an air brush, lighting, and angles

    What episode from yu-gi-oh gx does alexis star in a beauty pageant and Jaden has to duel her?

    pls exact ep.What episode from yu-gi-oh gx does alexis star in a beauty pageant and Jaden has to duel her?
    maybe you refer from manga i guess,it's this :鈥?/a>

    What episode from yu-gi-oh gx does alexis star in a beauty pageant and Jaden has to duel her?
    Not sure, you can probably google the episode guide to find out.

    What shoes can i wear to star beauty school the shoes have to be all black no open toe and no vans.?

    they have to be like profession shoes what kind is that pic would help please or girls what shoes did you wear HELP PLEASEWhat shoes can i wear to star beauty school the shoes have to be all black no open toe and no vans.?
    wear flats!

    payless has them pretty cheap so you can buy 2-3 pais or something..鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    theres more on the site

    you can also look in charlotte russe or delias, they have cute flats tooWhat shoes can i wear to star beauty school the shoes have to be all black no open toe and no vans.?
    A black ballet flat!
    black flats
    I wore pumps, black with a slight pointed toe.